Hi There & Welcome to My Corner of the Web!
I'm Brian Lau, a web developer at Arcteryx, dedicated to the realms of software engineering and frontend development. My approach involves embracing intuition, conducting just enough research, and leveraging aesthetics as a catalyst for exceptional products. I have a profound appreciation for top-notch software, visual design, and the principles of product-led growth. Feel free to explore some of my coding endeavors on GitHub.
Introduction to Fetch
Exploring the Fetch API's intricate components in my personal journey, aiming to explain their complexities for a better understanding.
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Learning Rust
Brian's thought process in the shift to Rust for frontend development, highlighting its benefits in control, safety, reliability, and performance.
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Intro to JSX
If you ever wondering what JSX is, how it is used, and why it was created. You might find this article useful
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